I like to sing, write about clouds, watch movies, and walk barefoot over river rocks. I am passionate about drawing, photography, and art in general. I am proud of my country for the traditions of its Afro and Indigenous peoples and the huge stones in its rivers. My family has its peculiarities; on dad's side, the tendency is to go against the current. On mom's side, sharing at the table unites us. Last year God blessed me with a wife, making me part of a beautiful duality. In 1 Samuel 25, there is a fragment of a conversation between David and a woman named Abigail, where she tells him, "Do you want to be famous as someone who does not wait for God to solve your problems?” (PDT). I am struck by the pertinence and confrontation of the question, reminding me that beyond the qualities and tools that God has given me, it is He who solves what I, in my humanity, cannot. What I look forward to most in the Fellowship is the opportunity to learn in community, a give-and-take of growth, like the cycle of the clouds.
I love the river, nature, watching birds and reading stories. By profession I am a recreational educator and a spiritual and emotional caregiver. I love Colombia for the richness of its land, people, and the courage and perseverance with which we face reality and seek to learn. The Colombian jungle has left a mark on my life. When I lived there, the jungle transformed my way of seeing the world and relating to water, mountains, land, and animals. I am passionate about working for and with people. Through my testimony, I love to share the love, dignity, and restoration that Jesus brings to wounded women and all the potential for life when we place our pain in the hands of the Great Potter. I long to learn, grow, serve, and be challenged this year so I can share it with the children and youth of Cali.